URL: https://welcome-services.desy.de/international_office/family_services/childcare/EUBlueCardinfosheet_eng.html/@@siteview
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There are several options to arrange the childcare when you are at work. If your children are small (1-3 yrs. old) you basically have a choice between a kindergarden (nursery group) and a “day mother” (a professional childminder or a daycare center with two or more of them in charge).
With bigger children (3-6 yrs. old) a kindergarden (elementary group) is usually the choice.
(here you can look for available kindergardens in your Hamburg district (In German)
There is the DESY kindergarden on the premises; however, there is a waiting list as it is usually the case in every kindergarden. If you want any information on the DESY kindergarden, please contact the International office, the equal opportunity officer or the DESY kindergarden directly. A registration form needs to be filled in if you want to be put on the waiting list for the place. You can find the pre-registration on the “Kinderwelt” website (only in German, but the form is in English).
In Hamburg primary schools usually have integrated after-school care (Ganztagsschulen). If you are registered in Schleswig-Holstein, you may need to apply for a place at an after-school care (Hort).
Please ask for a list of bilingual schools at the International Office, in case you want to enroll your child at one of these.
In case your child should attend school in Hamburg you will need an appointment at the School information center (SIZ) beforehand.